- 20Jul
Why your e-Commerce Store should comply with PCI DSS?
Any e-Commerce store must have some basic standard security measures implemented into it. PCI DSS is one of them to make sure that your customer’s sensitive payment card information is secured. This article helps e-Commerce store owners to understand PCI DSS and its importance and offers an option to implement those security standards.
1 comments Read more - 09Sep
Why Good Content is Important for SEO
The success of website is known by the traffic it generates, and for generating high traffic, you required a good…
4 comments Read more - 01Jun
Providing WordPress editor to manage Menu, Widget and Background in Appearance Section
After launching a WordPress 3, WordPress can definitely claim to be most used CMS to manage website and blog contents….
- 10Feb
Fix WordPress Pagination Problems when used with query_posts
Query_posts overrides nearly everything in standard WP Loop query, and hence, Pagination stops working on pages when query is customized with query_posts. Here is a simple fix to fix pagination issue when used with query_posts.
25 comments Read more - 30Dec
Basics of Website Designing that makes a Website Design Impressive
Web Designing is a job that needs to be carried out quite smartly, because your website is one of the most impressive sales presentations that you will ever have. And keeping in mind a few basics of web designing, while playing with your talent and creativity, would help you make wonders.
8 comments Read more - 11Nov
Fixing IE7 z-index issue using simple jQuery Solution
For web developers, achieving cross browser compatibility is an headache, especially when it comes to Internet Explorer 6, and Internet…
22 comments Read more - 29Jan
Google SEO Resources for Webmasters
If you’re a webmaster or a web developer, you must learn basics of SEO. And the best place to learn it is from the Google itself. Find a Video & resources being shared by Google on their blog for Web Developers.
0 comments Read more - 17Dec
How to Compress HTML / XHTML size to make it load faster
Compress your html or xhtml code using gzip to optimize the speed of the website.
7 comments Read more - 16Dec
Effective & Simple Inline Form Validation using jQuery
Use simple inline form validation using jQuery and displays error in stylish div box, that do not disturb your existing html form structure.
- 16Dec
HTML Cheatsheet for quick help on various html tags
Here is a quick guide for you, that will help you a lot if you work on web development projects….